
Where is There a Place for Trenchless Technology in Major Wastewater System Upgrades


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Trenchless Technology for wastewater system rehabilitation has developed as a process most suitable to solve structural problems in conduit systems to prevent collapse. This limited approach view has resulted in the restriction in most cases of trenchless technology to the one off difficult repair job. This has to a large extent restricted the use and spread of trenchless techniques in the wastewater industry to a level way below what has been anticipated. The efforts of contractors to direct the application of trenchless technology without proper engineering planning and control have compounded this. There is a need for upgrading the performance of most wastewater collection system to meet ever-increasing community and regulatory requirements. Asset management strategies and plans are being developed to address current collection system deficiencies and to cater for future system needs. The opportunities of trenchless technology to meet a significant portion of these needs is dependent on a paradigm shift in the trenchless technology industry to realise that contractor and wastewater system operators must develop a better understanding of the total capability of trenchless technology. The benefits of trenchless technologies can be best realised in a properly planned and executed overall system improvement plan that can bring cost effective benefits to the community in the form of protection of both the urban and natural environment from the operation of wastewater collection systems.



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