
Challenges to agricultural production in Asia in the 21st Century


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DURING the past 50 years, Asia has made tremendous progress in food security and agricultural development. Nations with large populations that once experienced periodic famine, such as China and India, are now virtually self-sufficient in food production. Community-based nutrition programs in Indonesia and Thailand are frequently presented as models for developing countries. No longer does one hear the phrase 'basket case' when Bangladesh or India are mentioned. The achievement of peace in Cambodia and East Timor has greatly improved the prospects for overcoming hunger. Asia has also made tremendous progress in agricultural development. Cereal production more than doubled during the past 30 years boosting calorie availability per person by 24% even as the region's population grew by a billion people. Virtually all of the increase in production resulted from yield gains rather than expansion of cultivated area. Increased agricultural productivity and subsequent rapid industrial growth in many countries of the region, along with a rapid expansion of the non-farm rural economy, contributed to almost a tripling of per capita incomes. While three of every five Asians lived in poverty some 30 years ago, less than a third do so today. However, poverty remains higher in rural Asia than in the cities with nearly 700 million rural people still considered poor with low levels of health, education, and general well being. More than half a billion Asians are chronically undernourished and child malnutrition is widespread in parts of Asia, especially in South Asia. Famine is severe in North Korea and has been for about a decade. In South Asia, 88% of pregnant women suffer from anaemia, usually as a result of insufficient dietary iron. Given that the centre of gravity of regional poverty and food insecurity remains rural, agriculture will continue to play a critical role as the region pursues sustainable food security for all. It is particularly important that strategies for future agricultural growth focus on equity, as well as redressing past environmental degradation that has often occurred in well endowed and irrigated areas, while recognising that environmentally friendly intensification of agriculture can offer sustainable livelihoods to the many poor people who live in less favoured rural areas. Public policies must strike an appropriate balance among agricultural, urban, and non-farm rural investments, and between well endowed and less favoured areas. Research and technology along with investments in rural infrastructure will play a major role in successful rural development and poverty eradication.



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