
Some Unconventional Elastic Stability Problems


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In this paper new closed ― form solutions are obtained for instability of inhomogeneous columns. The problem is posed as the semi-inverse eigenvalue determination task ; namely the mode shape is formulated as the fourth order polynomial that satisfies all boundary conditions. Then the following question is posed: Find such variation of the flexural rigidity along the axial coordinate, that corresponds, in exact terms, to the postulated mode shape. Whereas usually the polynomial mode shapes are utilized in the approximate methods of Rayleigh, Rayleigh ― Ritz or Boobnov ― Galerkin, here the closed form solution is derived. Moreover, even for the columns with uniform cross-section, the closed-form solutions are obtained in terms of irrational expressions for the buckling load, here rational expressions are obtained. These semi-inverse problems can be used as benchmark solutions. In addition, when the technology will become available of producing the arbitrarily varying flexural rigidity, the derived solutions can be utilized for design purposes. One will be able to construct columns with pre-selected buckling loads. In the second part the effect of boundary conditions is investigated. It is intriguing that for the inhomogeneous column in question a linear relationship is established between the natural frequency squared and the applied load, exactly as it happens for the simply ― supported uniform column. These results show that even the classical problems may present rich opportunities for deriving unconventional solutions.



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