首页> 外文会议>Innovative Solutions for the Advancement of the Transport Industry >NATURAL FIBRE REINFORCED POLYMER COMPOSITES FORAUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS



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Automotive industry is one of the booming niches for the continuously growing natural fibrernreinforced polymer composite market. This is mainly because of their inherent weight savingrnpotential compared to their counter parts, I.e., glass fibre reinforced composites, which leads tornreduce the fuel consumption and ultimately provides a clean environment by reducing carbonrndioxide emission. Thorough understanding of the physical and chemical characteristics of thernfibre and polymer is required to create a composite with appropriate properties suitable forrndifferent applications. The objective of our research is to develop process and products usingrndifferent types and forms of natural fibres and polymers including thermoplastics and thermosets.rnThe mainly used fibres include wood fibres, hemp, and flax in different forms such as short fibres,rnlong loose fibres, fibre mats etc. Processing methods such as injection molding and sheet moldingrnor compression molding were used for thermoplastic-based composites, where as resin transferrnmolding and sheet molding were used to manufacture thermoset-based composites. The conceptrnof hybrid composites also opens up the possibility to unify the positive properties of both fibresrnand to reduce the negative properties of each. Performance properties of the composites werernevaluated. Thermoset composites with high stiffness such as 14GPa and thermoplastic compositesrnwith a stiffness of 6Gpa were prepared by sheet molding process. High strength materials werernalso developed by injection molding of short natural fibre and hybrid composite materials. Thernperformance of the composite materials can satisfy most of the OEM requirements for automotivernapplications and also can compete with 30-40 wt% glass fibre filled composites. The use of thisrnnatural fibre composite is economically viable and at the same time it helps reducing the greenrnhouse gas emission, as there is lesser amount of synthetic resins and plastics.
机译:汽车工业是不断增长的天然纤维增强聚合物复合材料市场蓬勃发展的壁one之一。这主要是因为与它们的对应零件(即玻璃纤维增​​强的复合材料)相比,它们固有的重量减轻潜力,这可以减少燃料消耗并最终通过减少二氧化碳的排放来提供清洁的环境。需要对纤维和聚合物的物理和化学特性有透彻的了解,以创建具有适合不同应用的适当性能的复合材料。我们研究的目的是开发使用不同类型和形式的天然纤维以及包括热塑性塑料和热固性聚合物在内的聚合物的工艺和产品。主要使用的纤维包括木纤维,大麻和不同形式的亚麻,例如短纤维,长松散纤维,纤维。热塑性基复合材料采用注塑成型,片材成型或压缩成型等加工方法,而树脂传递成型和片材成型则用于制造热固性复合材料。概念杂化复合材料还开辟了统一两种纤维的正性并降低它们的负性的可能性。重新评估了复合材料的性能。采用片材成型工艺制备了14GPa等高刚度的热固性复合材料和6Gpa等刚度的热塑性复合材料。高强度材料也通过短天然纤维和混合复合材料的注塑成型而开发。复合材料的性能可以满足汽车应用的大多数OEM要求,并且还可以与30-40 wt%的玻璃纤维填充复合材料竞争。这种天然纤维复合材料的使用在经济上是可行的,同时,由于合成树脂和塑料的数量较少,因此有助于减少温室气体的排放。



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