首页> 外文会议>International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium >Cat-3/MOTS, an experimental nanosatellite for multispectral and GNSS-r earth observation: Mission concept and analysis

Cat-3/MOTS, an experimental nanosatellite for multispectral and GNSS-r earth observation: Mission concept and analysis

机译:Cat-3 / MOTS,用于多光谱和GNSS-r地球观测的实验性纳米卫星:任务概念和分析



Cat-3/MOTS mission is a joint initiative between the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech (UPC) to foster new and innovative technologies on Earth Observation (EO) based on data fusion of Global Navigation Satellite Systems Reflectometry (GNSS-R) and optical payloads on a 6U CubeSat platform [1]. Since 2012, there has been a growing trend to use small satellites [2]. Small satellites possess intrinsic advantages over larger platforms in terms of cost, flexibility and scalability and have also made possible constellations of a great number of satellites at an affordable cost. The latest technological advances and the miniaturization of most devices are also key factors to explain the boom of small satellites.
机译:Cat-3 / MOTS任务是加泰罗尼亚地质地理研究所(ICGC)和加泰罗尼亚理工大学-巴塞罗那科技大学(UPC)共同发起的一项举措,目的是在全球数据融合的基础上培育新的创新地球观测技术(EO) 6U CubeSat平台上的导航卫星系统反射法(GNSS-R)和光学有效载荷[1]。自2012年以来,使用小型卫星的趋势一直在增长[2]。在成本,灵活性和可扩展性方面,小型卫星在较大的平台上具有内在的优势,并且以可承受的成本使众多卫星群成为可能。最新的技术进步和大多数设备的小型化也是解释小型卫星繁荣的关键因素。



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