
Controllable Meteorological Balloons for Arctic Research




While the Arctic is among the most isolated and inaccessible regions on earth, its weather and climate can strongly affect mid-latitude agricultural regions and population centers. Improving observational capabilities in the Arctic therefore has broad relevance. Over the past four years, Controlled Meteorological (CMET) balloons have been developed specifically for studying transport processes in the Arctic troposphere and boundary layer. These balloons, which are now approximately the same size as standard rawinsondes, can float for many days while performing vertical soundings on command via satellite. This sounding capability is particularly advantageous in the highly stratified polar atmosphere where shallow layers of air with differing character and origins are ubiquitous. The challenges of operating small battery-powered balloons in the Arctic are formidable; they include electrical and mechanical failures due to the extreme cold, fallout due to ice accumulation on the balloon envelope, and complex airspace issues. Results of this development work will be discussed and placed into context of planned and future studies.


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