
Engine and Propeller Testing for Small to Mid-Size UAVs




The present paper discusses systems developed to measure the performance of engine and propeller combination of small to medium propulsion system in order to determine whether or not it will meet the requirements needed for a given unmanned aircraft design. Ground testing equipment is developed to test aircraft engines and propellers up to 'general aviation size' and power for use in Tier Ⅱ or Tier Ⅲ UAVs. In conjunction with engine testing, this paper also presents the design and development of a propeller testing rig that is used when propeller size becomes too large to use in a wind tunnel or a wind tunnel is simply unavailable. The dynamic propulsion testing rig is a collapsible design that fits in the bed of a truck for transport to a suitable test site and measures thrust, torque and RPM. Sample results from each system are presented.



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