
Monte Carlo Tree Search for Love Letter




Love Letter is a card game for two to four players. Players maintain one card in their hands at all times. For a series of rounds, a player draws a card and then plays one of the two cards in their hand with a goal of knocking out other players from the game by a card effect or by having the highest card at the end of the deck when all the cards have been played. We examined the use of Single Observer Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search (SO-ISMCTS) in a player agent for a two-player Love Letter, compared against a knowledge based agent, Perfect Information Monte Carlo (PIMC) and Deter-minized Minimax and found that none of the algorithm could show the stable results due to game randomness.
机译:情书是一款可供2至4名玩家玩的纸牌游戏。玩家始终保持手中一张卡。在一系列回合中,玩家抓一张牌,然后在手中玩两张牌中的一张,目的是通过牌效应或在牌组末尾拥有最高牌时将其他牌手从游戏中淘汰。所有的牌都被打过了。我们研究了单人观察员信息集蒙特卡洛树搜索(SO-ISMCTS)在两人情书的球员代理中的使用情况,并与基于知识的代理人Perfect Information Monte Carlo(PIMC)和确定最小化Minimax和发现由于游戏的随机性,该算法都无法显示稳定的结果。



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