
Engineering as a generalist profession: implications for engineering education




It is argued that today's engineer is metamorphosing from a technical specialist to a technical generalist. A compelling argument for this thesis is provided by the power and near-ubiquity of CAD/CAE (computer-aided design and engineering) software. One consequence of this paradigm shift is that engineering will asymptotically approach a practice devoid of technical content. Some implications of this perspective for engineering education are explored. It is noted that today's typical curriculum seems narrowly specialist within such a generalist framework. It is argued that there is a need to reevaluate priorities and eliminate the teaching of much of this specialist know-how; such action will better prepare engineering students for their future and it will relieve the curriculum from the current crunch of the know-how information explosion.
机译:有人争辩说,今天的工程师正在从技术专家转变为技术通才。 CAD / CAE(计算机辅助设计和工程)软件的强大功能和普遍存在为该论文提供了令人信服的论据。这种范式转变的结果是工程学将渐近地采用一种缺乏技术内容的实践。探索了这种观点对工程教育的一些启示。应当指出,在这样的通才框架下,当今的典型课程似乎是狭specialist的专业。有人认为有必要重新评估优先次序,并消除许多这种专门知识的传授;这样的行动将为工程专业的学生更好地为他们的未来做好准备,并将使课程从当前技术知识爆炸的紧缩中解脱。



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