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Gamma-ray large area space telescope (GLAST) mission




The Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) mission is a scientific spaceflight investigation that measures the direction, energy and arrival time of celestial gamma rays. It is planned for launch in September 2005. The scientific applications include determining the structure of high-energy astrophysical processes such as those found in active galactic nuclei, black holes, and supernovae. Several other natural phenomena in the universe will be investigated. One of the most exciting aspects of the GLAST mission is its potential for new discovery. There are two instruments on the GLAST Observatory: the Large Area Telescope (LAT), a joint development of NASA and DOE, and the GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM). Both instruments have international collaborators. The spacecraft will be a modified version of an existing design. Challenging aspects will be handling the large mass and the tight pointing knowledge requirements. The launch vehicle, ground system elements, and data flow are also described.
机译:Gamma-ray大面积空间望远镜(Glast)任务是一种科学空间调查,测量天体伽玛光线的方向,能量和到达时间。它计划于2005年9月推出。科学应用包括确定高能量天体物理过程的结构,例如活性银核,黑洞和超新星中的那些。将调查宇宙中的其他几种自然现象。 Plast Mission的最令人兴奋的方面之一是其新发现的潜力。 Plast天文台有两种仪器:大面积望远镜(LAT),NASA和DOE的联合开发,以及GLAST突发监测器(GBM)。这两个文书都有国际合作者。航天器将是现有设计的修改版本。具有挑战性的方面将处理大量质量和密切知识要求。还描述了发射车辆,地面系统元件和数据流。



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