
Geometrical model based method for fault detection




This paper describes on-going researches at the LASIS(1) to develop new approaches for fault detection of seismic 3D volume data. The paper provides an overview of method that we have recently developed in order to automatically restore the fault network. Several coherency attributes have been proposed in the past ten years such as the so-called "coherency cube" or the multi-dip coherency estimate. In this paper, we extend the use of a time-vertical window to a steered one in order to provide directional coherency curves devoted to estimating fault direction. Furthermore, our method considers a model which assumes local linearity of fault geometry. Based on a directional search and continuity test, the proposed approach operates in three steps. First, for each dip-azimuth direction, a coherency estimate provides directional attribute curves. Secondly, in order to increase the selectivity of the detection, we introduce a non-linear steered filter applied on the attribute curves. The proposed filter uses a multi-segment criterion based on the linearity assumption. Thirdly, to improve the noise robustness of the detection, the attribute continuity is increased by means of a final accumulation step. This is obtained later by propagating the maximum value of the directional criterion in the local neighborhood of the surrounding voxel.



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