
Producing complete modules in ontology partitioning




Ontology modularization is an important part of ontology engineering for which the reduction of complexity and size of ontology, either breaks an ontology down to all the constituent parts(ontology partitioning) or extracts only a small part of the ontology(module extraction). The presented approach in this essay is concentrated on ontology partitioning. To have complete segments, we initially do the reasoning on ontology and then render the result of reasoning to Pato, a tool for partitioning. So, the generated modules are complete with appropriate size. Although reasoning on large ontologies is time consuming, it happens just one time and instead brings a lot of advantages which cannot be provided by other methods. For guaranteeing this claim, we assess the presented and former methods theoretically and practically and show that the proposed method causes the ontology to be parted properly and the resulted modules can be utilized by different tools like a self contained ontology.



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