
Diagnosis for School Inclusion in Teacher Training in One Higher Normal School in Mexico




Educational inclusion not only refers to the integration of students with disabilities, it also refers to the fact of minimizing or eliminating barriers that may represent a limitation for student learning and participation, that is, considering social and cultural diversity that influence the acquisition of expected learning, therefore when talking about inclusion, reference is made to the process through which the school seeks and generates the supports that are required to ensure the educational achievement of all students who attend it, and thus be able to guarantee equality of social conditions through education. The objective of this diagnosis was to identify the guidelines that allow an educational intervention assuming the inclusive education approach, rescuing elements such as: diagnosis of the group with which the intervention will be carried out. selection of educational materials and resources, trans-disciplinary work, and definition of the individual's profile for educational intervention. The work presented is an initial stage of a model of educational inclusion. The results obtained, as can be seen in the previous section, are satisfactory and allow us to corroborate the usefulness of the diagnosis presented.



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