
Manifestation of Triplet Superconductivity in Superconductor-Ferromagnet Structures


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We study proximity effects in a multilayered superconductor/ferro-magnet (S/F) structure with arbitrary relative directions of the magnetization M. If the magnetizations of different layers are collinear the superconducting condensate function induced in the F layers has only a singlet component and a triplet one with a zero projection of the total magnetic moment of the Cooper pairs on the M direction. In this case the condensate penetrates the F layers over a short length ξ_J determined by the exchange energy J. If the magnetizations M are not collinear the triplet component has, in addition to the zero projection, the projections ±1. The latter component is even in the momentum, odd in the Matsubara frequency and penetrates the F layers over a long distance that increases with decreasing temperature and does not depend on J ( spin-orbit interaction limits this length). If the thickness of the F layers is much larger than ξ_J, the Josephson coupling between neighboring S layers is provided only by the triplet component, so that a new type of superconductivity arises in the transverse direction of the structure. The Josephson critical current is positive (negative) for the case of a positive (negative) chirality of the vector M.
机译:我们研究了具有任意相对磁化强度M的多层超导体/铁磁体(S / F)结构中的邻近效应。如果不同层的磁化强度是共线的,则在F层中感应的超导凝结功能只有单重态分量,并且一个三重态,在M方向上Cooper对的总磁矩为零。在这种情况下,冷凝水在短的长度ξ_J上穿透F层,该长度由交换能量J决定。如果磁化强度M不是共线的,则三重态分量除了零投影外还具有±1的投影。后者的动量是偶数,在松原频率中是奇数,并且在很长的距离内穿透F层,该距离随着温度的降低而增加,并且不依赖于J(自旋轨道相互作用限制了这个长度)。如果F层的厚度远大于ξ_J,则相邻的S层之间的约瑟夫森耦合仅由三重态分量提供,因此在结构的横向方向上会出现一种新型的超导性。对于向量M的正(负)手性,约瑟夫森临界电流为正(负)。



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