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Air Traffic Management: just stacking up the problem? Finding efficient ATM solutions to enhance our environment and quality of life


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The sustainability of the aviation industry hinges upon its efficient management. This isrnparticularly true in the current economic climate where cost reductions to operators, and thernenvironmental gains that stand to be made from them, are aligning the objectives of both thernindustry and environmental activists. Air traffic management (ATM) has a role to play inrnmitigating environmental effects. Consequently stakeholders need to make informed choicesrnabout the ATM options at their disposal to meet increasingly stringent environmental targets,rnnot least at airports [1]. Alex Goman of Helios, a business and technical ATM consultancy,rnsets out the issues involved and explains how diverse research outputs are being integratedrnand used to understand their impacts on the air transport system.
机译:航空业的可持续性取决于其有效的管理。在当前的经济环境下尤其如此,运营商降低成本,从运营商那里获得的环境收益正与工业界和环境活动家的目标保持一致。空中交通管理(ATM)可以起到减轻环境影响的作用。因此,利益相关者需要就可使用的ATM选项做出明智的选择,以满足日益严格的环境目标,尤其是在机场[1]。商业和技术ATM咨询公司Helios的Alex Goman阐述了所涉及的问题,并解释了如何整合各种研究成果并用来理解其对航空运输系统的影响。



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