
Numerical simulation of MHD effects of liquid metal free surface film flows


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Liquid metal free surface flows (film, jet and droplet) are considered as prospective diverter/limiter system and first wall in fusion reactor, but the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) instability of it is one of the important issues we must consider. In this paper, it is presented that the numerical simulation analyze MHD instabilities of liquid metal (LM) free surface-film flow which is flowing in a gradient strength magnetic field. The shape of the film flow, the velocity and the electrical potential profile in the cross-section of the film flow are also given. From the results of numerical simulation and experiment, we can find the reduction of velocity in the flow direction due to the electromagnetic (EM) force in the direction against the film flow velocity and increase of the film thickness.This phenomena can be called as retardarce film flows. The other two MHD phenomena of film flow which are rivulet and fiat film flows are also observered in experiments.



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