首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the Ninth Asian Regional Maize Workshop >Role of Thiourea in Improving Productivily of Rainfed Maize (Zea mays L.)

Role of Thiourea in Improving Productivily of Rainfed Maize (Zea mays L.)

机译:硫脲在雨养玉米(Zea mays L.)生产中的作用

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Role of thiourea (TU), a sulphydryl compound being capable of potentiating sulphydryl (-SH) turnover, was studied through its 0.1% and 0.2% foliar sprays at knee high, tasseling and grain filling stages of rainfed maize during kharif seasons of 2001, 2002 and 2003, where rainfalls were 40.07, 44.50 and 0.33% less than normal (890mm), respectively. The pooled results for 3 years showed that TU spray at either concentration improved the yield attributes, grain and biological yield of maize significantly over unsprayed control. However, irrespective of crop stage, the higher concentration of 0.2% TU was more effective than lower concentration. Further, the crop response to TU spray was more pronounced when sprayed at grain filling stage compared to tasseling and knee high stages. Foliar spray of 0.2% TU at grain filling stage resulted in significant increase in number of grains/cob (24.66%) and test weight (10.33%) that eventually resulted 26.93% increase in grain yield over unsprayed control (2346kg/ha). The biological yield (above ground biomass) under this treatment also significantly increased (19.35%) over control (7508kg/ha). The harvest index calculated under this treatment was improved by 1.98% over unsprayed control (31.25%). Number of green leaves at physiological maturity were higher by 2.15 leaves/plant with 0.2% TU applied at grain filling stage over unsprayed control (6.38/plant). Increase in grain yield due to TU spray seems to be based on increased canopy photosynthesis by virtue of biological activity of -SH group. It is also observed that leaf senescence was delayed with spray of TU. Our results indicate that foliar spray of 0.2% TU at grain filling stage of maize could be a potential bio-regulator for improving photosynthetic activity and grain yield of rainfed maize.
机译:在2001年的哈里夫季节,通过在雨养玉米的膝高,抽穗和籽粒灌浆阶段分别喷洒0.1%和0.2%的叶面喷雾剂,研究了硫脲(TU)的作用,该化合物能够增强硫醇(-SH)的转化, 2002年和2003年的降雨量分别比正常(890mm)少40.07%,44.50和0.33%。 3年的汇总结果表明,与未喷雾的对照相比,在任何浓度下施用TU喷雾剂均显着改善了玉米的产量属性,谷物和生物学产量。但是,不管作物的生长阶段如何,0.2%TU的较高浓度比较低浓度的浓度更有效。此外,与灌浆和膝高阶段相比,在灌浆期进行喷洒时,作物对TU喷洒的反应更加明显。在籽粒灌浆阶段喷洒0.2%TU的叶面喷出的谷物/穗轴数量(24.66%)和试验重量(10.33%)显着增加,最终比未喷洒的对照(2346kg / ha)导致谷物产量增加26.93%。与对照(7508kg / ha)相比,这种处理的生物产量(地上生物量以上)也显着增加(19.35%)。与未喷雾的对照(31.25%)相比,在这种处理下计算的收获指数提高了1.98%。生理成熟期的绿叶数量比未喷雾的对照(6.38 /株)高出2.15叶/株,在灌浆期施用0.2%TU。由于-SH基团的生物活性,TU喷雾导致的谷物产量增加似乎是基于冠层光合作用的增加。还观察到,TU的喷雾延迟了叶片的衰老。我们的研究结果表明,玉米灌浆期叶面喷洒0.2%TU可能是提高雨养玉米光合活性和谷物产量的潜在生物调节剂。



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