首页> 外文会议>Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology VIII >Retrieval of High Latitude Land Surface Properties from the High Spectral Resolution Infrared Sounders: AIRS, IASI, and CrIS

Retrieval of High Latitude Land Surface Properties from the High Spectral Resolution Infrared Sounders: AIRS, IASI, and CrIS


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A methodology to retrieve the land surface infrared properties of snow and ice is presented that takes advantage of the high spectral resolution observations of a new generation of polar orbiting weather satellites. The NASA Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on the EOS Aqua platform was the first of a series of high spectral resolution sensors that includes the operational Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) on Europe's METOP platforms and the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) on the U.S. National Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite System platforms. Application of the method described here is intended for the high latitude polar regions, e.g. Scandinavia, Siberia, Alaska/Yukon, and Antarctica. These regions provide challenges for the identification and removal of cloud effects during the polar winter. A methodology is described for the identification of clear fields of view of the sounder over snow and the estimation of surface infrared emission. An example over the Greenland ice sheet is presented. The effective identification of clear sounder fields of view and the correct interpretation of the surface emission is an important component of making high latitude data over land useable in Numerical Weather Prediction data assimilation.
机译:提出了一种检索雪和冰的陆地表面红外特性的方法,该方法利用了新一代极地轨道气象卫星的高光谱分辨率观测结果。 EOS Aqua平台上的NASA大气红外测深仪(AIRS)是一系列高光谱分辨率传感器中的第一个,包括欧洲METOP平台上的可操作红外大气测深仪(IASI)以及位于欧洲的跨轨红外测深仪(CrIS)。美国国家极地轨道环境卫星系统平台。本文所述方法的应用旨在用于高纬度极地区域,例如斯堪的纳维亚,西伯利亚,阿拉斯加/育空和南极洲。这些地区在极地冬季为识别和消除云影响提出了挑战。描述了一种用于识别发声器在雪上的清晰视野和估计表面红外发射的方法。格陵兰冰原上的一个例子。有效识别清晰的发声器视场并正确解释地表发射是使陆地上的高纬度数据可用于数值天气预报数据同化的重要组成部分。



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