首页> 外文会议>Seventeenth International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids Beijing, China, 2-6 July 1997 >Nonlinear effects in the kinetic electron emission induced by slow ions in emtals

Nonlinear effects in the kinetic electron emission induced by slow ions in emtals


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The contribution to the kinetic electron emission coming from the excitation of conduction band electrons in binary collisions iwth slowly moving ions is analyzed. The scattering suffered by conduction band electrons, which are described within the free electron odel, on the effective potential created by the pojectile is studied, taking into account the shift of the Feri spehere due to the nonzero velocity of the ion. The effective potential is calcualted self-consistently within the density functional theory for a static impurity embedded in an electron gas. Using the excitation rate of conduction electrosn obtained from this nonlinear approach, the energy distribution of emitted electrons is calcualted with-in a transport equation formalism



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