
Condition Assessment of Highway Structures: Past, Present, and Future


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The Silver Bridge collapse of 1967 was the impetus behind the creation of the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS), which mandated the periodic inspection of bridges on and off of the National Highway System (NHS). While the inspections associated with mis effort provided useful information about the nation's bridge inventory and their condition, it was insufficient to make reliable programmatic decisions in the face of dwindling funding dollars. Subsequent revisions to federal bridge legislation created funding for bridge management systems (BMS), which advanced the NBIS information to the state where better decisions were possible. Despite the advances in BMS modeling, the condition assessment activities associated with NBIS and BMS still rely heavily on visual inspection, which inherently produces widely variable results. This paper presents a historic perspective of the condition assessment process for our nation's bridges, highlighting significant developments and shortcomings. The bridge owners of today are faced with the same challenges that faced bridge owners at the inception of the Interstate highway system, that is how to deal with and manage an aging Interstate system, particularly, a system that is today 50-years old with approximately 30% of its bridge inventory rated as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. The challenge today will be to develop better assessment methodologies that will generate better prediction models so owners can maintain and preserve their bridge inventories, under increased funding restraints. The paper presents highlights of a new initiative, the Long-Term Bridge Performance Program (LTBPP), which was included in the latest highway legislation. This program will provide quantitative data for network and bridge level management; ultimately serving to improve the safety assessment of our nation's bridges.



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