首页> 中文期刊> 《中医药学报》 >阴-阳对刺呼吸补泻法对缺血性脑中风患者膝关节屈伸角度变化的影响




目的:观察阴-阳对刺呼吸补泻法治疗缺血性脑中风偏瘫运动与静止膝关节的屈伸角度变化。方法:将60例缺血性脑中风患者,按随机数字表法随机分为对照组与试验组,各30例。对照组仅采用基础治疗,试验组在基础治疗上,阴-阳对刺呼吸补泻法治疗。于治疗前、治疗后28天,使用 Lokomat全自动机器人步态评定系统对患者进行运动与静止膝关节的屈伸角度变化参数测定比较。结果:治疗后实验组中,足跟着地时膝关节的屈曲角度值,膝关节的屈伸角度最大值、膝关节支撑相和摆动相关节的屈曲角度最大值和膝关节活动度,与对照组比较,有差异具有统计意义(P <0.05)。结论:阴-阳对刺呼吸补泻法可有效改善缺血性脑中风偏瘫膝关节运动,提高步行功能。%Objective:To investigate the effect of Yin -yang meridian acupuncture by reinforcing -reducing with patient’ s respiration on lower limb joint flexion angle change in hemiplegic patients after stroke .Methods:60 patients were en-rolled and divided into two groups randomly .The control group was treated with madopar ,and the treatment group was with traditional techniques of needling Yin -yang meridian by reinforcing -reducing with patient ’ s respiration and madopar treatment.All patients were assessed with lower limb joint flexion angle change at the beginning of the training and 28 days after treatment.Results:Compared with the control group,there was a significant difference in the treatment group(P <0.05).Conclusion:Yin -yang meridian acupuncture by reinforcing -reducing with patient ’ s respiration treatment can improve lower limb function in hemiplegic patients after stroke .



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