首页> 中文期刊> 《大麦与谷类科学》 >几种药剂对小麦赤霉病的防效试验




为改善当前小麦赤霉病防治中多菌灵过量使用的现状,对市场上推广的几种杀菌剂进行了小麦赤霉病的防效试验。结果表明:药后28 d,除40%戊福120 mL/667 m2处理对小麦赤霉病病穗和病指防效低于40%多菌灵120 mL/667 m2处理外,其他处理防效均高于对照药剂,48%氰烯·戊唑醇80 mL/667 m2和60 mL/667 m2对小麦赤霉病病穗和病指防效均较佳,药后21 d防效在90%左右,药后28 d防治效果亦明显高于对照药剂。%In order to improve the currently applied strategy for controlling wheat scab that carbendazim is excessively used,we con-ducted an experiment to evaluate the control efficacy of several commercially available fungicides against wheat scab in a wheat field be-longing to Xinyang Branch of Jiangsu Provincial Agricultural Reclamation and Development Corporation,located in Sheyang County. Compared to 40%carbendazim applied at the rate of 120 mL/667 m2 ,which served as a chemical control,all chemical treatments ex-cept 40% tebuconazole combined with thiram (applied at the rate of 120 mL/667 m2 )more effectively suppressed the disease at 28 days post treatment (dpt),which was indicated by that these treatments were greater than the control in the control efficacy based on the incidence of diseased ears and also in that based on disease index.Among all treatments,48%JS399-19 in combination with te-buconazole at the application rates of 80 mL/667 m2 and 60 mL/667 m2 were shown to be most effective in controlling wheat scab;the control efficacy based on the incidence of diseased ears and that based on disease index for the two treatments all reached levels around 90% at 21 dpt,still remaining significantly higher than that of the control at 28 dpt(P<0.05).



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