首页> 中文期刊> 《商业经济》 >浅析大型突发灾害性事件下食品应急物流的成本优化




As it is primarily for emergency logistics for food to provide disaster areas with continuous supply of food, plans of optimizing costs focus on timeliness. The plan is developed by analyzing four components of costs, including collection, storage, distribution and man-agement. Cost reduction for the food collection highlights amount and category of food, and cutting down costs of procurement, optimization of cost for food storage focuses on the inventory structure by using the grouping method of ABC, food distribution gives attention to order of materials distributed, routes, size and distributors, and management cost can by reduced by creating a major incident management and in-formation platform and improving emergency responding system.%食品应急物流活动的首要目标是在最短的时间内对事发地进行持续的应急食品供应,对成本优化的所有方案均着重于对时效性的考虑。通过分析食品筹集、仓储、配送、管理四个方面的成本构成要素,相应的成本优化方案是:筹集成本的优化主要考虑食品的种类及数量、政府采购成本的缩减;仓储成本的优化主要考虑采用“ABC分类法”优化库存结构;配送成本的优化主要考虑物资的配送顺序、配送路线和规模、物流主体的有机结合;管理成本的优化主要考虑健全的重大事件管理体系和信息指挥平台的建立以及应急机制的完善。



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