首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医学装备》 >床旁数字化X射线摄影的质量保证与质量控制




目的:探讨数字化X射线摄影(DR)在床旁摄影中的质量保证与质量控制方法与技术措施。方法:回顾性分析医院放射科应用DR进行床旁摄影前、后的图像质量,按照图像评价方法收集医院2013年9月和2014年9月有图像质量缺陷的非甲级片各200份,通过影像储存和传输系统(PACS)分析图像质量缺陷产生的原因,制订质量控制方案。结果:2013年9月所摄的200张影像片中,由于曝光条件选择不当87张(占43.5%),摆位不正75张(占37.5%),患者不配合有人工伪影38张(占19%);2014年9月所摄的200张影像片中,曝光条件选择不当58张(占29%),摆位不正105张(占52.5%),患者不配合有人工伪影37张(占18.5%)。加强质量控制后,应用DR进行床旁摄影的影像质量明显提高,并极大缩短检查时间,降低辐射剂量,杜绝出现废片。结论:质量控制是发挥DR在床旁摄影中明显优势的重要环节,保障了为临床及时提供高质量的影像信息。%Objective:To investigate the necessity and measures about quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) in bedside photography based on digital radiography (DR). Methods: To do retrospective analysis on bedside photography in the same month of different years (2013.9 and 2014.9) by image storage and PACS system. Each has 200 cases. They were evaluated and analyzed of its causes in order to explore the QA improvement measures.Results:The application of DR and its quality control in bedside photography can improve image quality obviously, shorten the examination time greatly, reduce radiation dose, put an end to waste film.Conclusion: DR has obvious advantages in the bedside photography, can provide better image with more information for clinic work.



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