首页> 中文期刊> 《中国蔬菜》 >设施番茄新品种潍科粉1号的选育




潍科粉1号是以H10A为母本,以J10203为父本配制而成的设施栽培专用番茄一代杂种。无限生长型,长势中等,主茎第1花序着生在第5~7节,连续坐果能力强;早熟,无绿果肩,成熟果亮粉色,着色均匀,略高圆形,单果质量240~260g,每667m2产量14000kg以上;硬度高,耐贮运,商品性好;果实风味极佳,番茄红素含量高达112mg·kg-1;抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒(TYLCV)、疫病、灰霉病、叶霉病、南方根结线虫,适于温室秋延迟、早春及越冬栽培。%‘Weikefen No.1’ is a new tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing H10A as female parent and J10203 as male parent.It is specially for protected cultivation.It is of infinite growth type and with medium growth vigor.Its first inflorescence sites on 5-7th nodes of the main vine.It has continouse fruit setting ability. It is of early maturity.Its matured fruit is uniform pink in color without green shoulder,and with little tall round shape.The single fruit weight is 240-260 g.It can yield over 210 t·hm-2.Its fruit has stronger rigidity, super commodity and good taste.It is tolerant to storage and transportation.Its lycopene content is as high as 112 mg·kg-1.It is resistant to TYLCV(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus),blight,gray mold,leaf mold and root-knot nematode.It is suitable to be cultivated in late autumn, over winter and early spring in green house.



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