首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 >张仲景“治未病”思想浅析




在中医“治未病”理论形成过程中,张仲景《伤寒杂病论》起到了承上启下的作用,既继承、发展了《内经》“治未病”的思想体系,又对后世的预防医学产生了深远的影响.张仲景“治未病”理论内容丰富,有狭义和广义之分,狭义之“治未病”是指养生调摄,未病先防,即内养和外防;广义之“治未病”包括未病先防、养生调摄,将病防发、防微杜渐,早期诊断、既病防变,初瘥防复、调摄复元等几个方面.本文主要从“治未病”、“治欲病”、“治已病”和“治愈病”等4个方面浅析张仲景“治未病”思想.%In the formation of "preventive treatment" theory in Chinese medicine, Shanghan Zabing Lun by ZHANG Zhong-jing played a role linking the preceding and the following, which means he inherited and developed the thought of preventive treatment in Nei Jing, and had a very profound impact on modern preventive medicine. Usually, the "preventive treatment' theory is defined both in a narrow and broad sense. The former means disease prevention & health preservation, while the latter stands for following four aspects; health preservation before disease, taking every precaution at beginning of diseases, prevention of deterioration when the disease arises, and prevention of exacerbation when disease being serious. The present work elaborates briefly ZHANG Zhong-jing's academic thought of "preventive treatment" via four above aspects.



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