首页> 中文期刊> 《中国健康教育》 >湖北省武汉市学龄前儿童卫生习惯健康教育效果评价




Objective To understand current situation of pre-school children' s health habits in a kindergarten of Wuhan, and evaluate the effects after targeted health education. Methods 181 children from a kindergarten in Wuhan City were selected as research subjects by stratified random sampling method. Health habits of children were reported by their parents and the ratio of health habits before and after health education were compared. Results The ratio of health habits among pre-school children in the kindergarten was 61. 99% , and the ratio in girls (65. 47% ) was higher than that in boys (58. 97% ). The ratio was highest in aged 6 to 7 years group (70. 91% ) , and lowest in aged 4 to 5 years group (53. 85% ). The ratios of health habits among different gender and age groups were significantly different There was a significant difference in the behavior of "not throwing litter and not peeing in public places" before and after health education (x2 = 10. 640, P < 0. 01; x2 = 12. 529, P < 0. 01). Conclusion Attentions should be paid to pre-school children' s health habits in Wuhan City kindergarten, a variety of health education series in kindergartens are effective to improve preschool children' s good health habits.%目的 了解湖北省武汉市城区某幼儿园学龄前儿童卫生习惯现状,针对性开展健康教育,并进行效果评价.方法 采用分层随机整群抽样方法抽取武汉市城区某幼儿园大中小班共181名儿童作为研究对象,通过家长问卷基线调查学龄前儿童卫生习惯状况,并对比健康教育开展前后儿童正确卫生习惯持有情况的变化.结果 武汉市城区某幼儿园学龄前儿童正确卫生习惯持有率为61.99%,女童正确卫生习惯持有率(65.47%)高于男童(58.97%).6~7岁组正确卫生习惯持有率最高(70.91%),4~5岁组最低(53.85%).不同性别、不同年龄儿童部分卫生习惯持有率差异有统计学意义.健康教育前后儿童不在公共场所大小便、不扔果皮纸屑行为持有率差异有统计学意义(x2=10.640,P<0.01;x2=12.529,P<0.01).结论 学龄前儿童卫生习惯状况应引起重视,幼儿园开展多种形式的健康教育系列活动能有效促进学龄前儿童良好卫生习惯的形成.



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