首页> 中文期刊> 《中国性科学》 >发人深省的《金赛报告》和性革命——读《金赛:罪行与后果》




《金赛:罪行与后果》是美国学者朱迪丝A.雷斯曼(Judith Ann Reisman)博士,以高度社会责任感和严谨求实态度,对金赛和其团队,以及《金赛报告》的研究资料获取、数据处理、内容编撰、学术审查、出版过程,还有出版后对社会造成的多方面后果,进行长达40多年的潜心研究和缜密调查,通过详实的数据考证和确切的事实分析,然后作出的负责任评述.书中的每一个数据或事例,都有确切的文献出处,因而可信度很高.从书中可以得出这样的结论:金赛其人,具有明显的偏执型人格特征,而且是一个有着非常态性行为癖好的性心理变态者.《金赛报告》是建立在虚假数据和性心理变态理念基础上的,毫无科学价值可言的伪科学作品.金赛以己度人,推己及彼,执意用明知故犯的不科学手段编撰《金赛报告》,意欲将自己的变态心理和非常态性行为强加于世人.由于有着“科学学术成果”外衣,《金赛报告》迎合了人类非理性的原始性本能,因而具有极大的公众诱惑力,很容易迷惑学术界和突破传统道德防线,并迅速为世俗社会所接受,以致成为宣扬现代性愚昧,合法教唆色情和煽动性乱的伪科学淫书极品.金赛否定性道德和婚姻法律的罪恶意念,编撰《金赛报告》过程中的作伪欺诈和儿童性侵犯罪行,实质上反映了人类在文明进步过程中,原始野蛮对现代文明的非理性反抗,因而极为严重地破坏了传统性文明,造成史无前例的灾难性社会后果.%Just like the meaning of the title of "Kinsey:Crimes and Consequences",the fourth edition of this book is written by an American scholar Dr.Judith Ann Reisman,who has studied Kinsey and his team,and explored the sexual research data acquisition,data processing,content editing,academic review and publishing process of "Kinsey Report",and as well as the multifaceted social consequences after the publication,with a high sense of social responsibility and rigorous and realistic attitude for as long as 40 years of painstaking research and careful investigation,and through detailed research data and precise analysis of the facts before coming to a responsible commentary.According to the book,Kinsey has obvious paranoid personality characteristics,and is an abnormal sex addiction of psychopaths.The "Kinsey report" is based on false data and abnormal psychological concept,and is of no scientific value at all pseudo-scientific works.Kinsey is with his own ideas to measure others,also trying to impose his own behavior on others,insisted on compilation "Kinsey Reports" by unscientific means knowingly,and intended to be his abnormal psychology and abnormal sexual behavior imposed on the world.Because of the "scientific academic achievements","Kinsey Reports" caters to the need of the human irrational primitive instinct and is quickly accepted by secular society,because of what it has become an advocate of modern sexual ignorance,legally abetting pornography and seditious chaotic pseudo-scientific darkest deeds need.Kinsey negative moral and legal marriage of evil thoughts,practices fraud during the process of compiling the "Kinsey Report" and child sex abuse crimes,essentially reflects the process of human civilization and progress,the irrational resistance of barbarism against modern civilization,therefore seriously undermines the traditional civilization and resulting into unprecedented disastrous social consequences.



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