首页> 中文期刊> 《中国中医药信息杂志》 >李七一诊治心力衰竭经验




The experience of Professor LI Qi-yi in treating heart failure is distinctive. The No. 1 prescription he created in the treatment of heart failure has achieved good clinical efficacy. Professor LI believes that heart failure belongs to both deficiency syndrome and excessive syndrome, and the basic pathogenesis is qi-yin deficiency, hypofunction of yang qi in chest, phlegm and blood stasis block, and fluid retention stagnating in the interior. Deficiency syndrome mainly includes deficiency of qi and blood, deficiency of qi and yin, and inactive heart yang;excessive syndrome includes internal obstruction of water dampness and phlegm stasis. This article introduced the experience of Professor LI Qi-yi in using No. 1 prescription in the treatment of heart failure, and analyzed his unique medication experience.%李七一教授辨证论治心力衰竭有独到见解,其创制心衰1号方在治疗心力衰竭方面取得良好临床疗效.李教授认为,心力衰竭多为虚实夹杂,其基本病机为气阴两虚、胸阳不振、痰瘀阻滞、水饮内停为主.虚证主要为气血不足,气阴两虚,心阳不振;实证为水湿痰瘀内阻.本文介绍李七一教授运用心衰1号方加减治疗心力衰竭的经验,分析其独到的用药体会.



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