首页> 中文期刊> 《管理学报》 >西方管理学真的是一门纯科学?——一个基于阶级性视角的分析




Western management academic research has always emphasized its academic position of science in the past half century.However,in my view,it is not a pure science as western scholars have claimed because of its nature of class.In this paper,five scholars and their academic positions will be discussed and the paper will tell us that the economic base of the capitalism has played an important role in the formation of western management science.Some scholars,such as Frederic Taylor and Henri Fayol,are important in the history of western management science,because their theories have been complied with the economic base of the capitalism.On the contrary,though Mary Parker Follett and Oliver Sheldon are famous for their profound thinking,they have been marginalized in the history of western management science,because their thinking was against the economic base of the capitalism.So western management is not a science like physics,it is a part of the capitalism ideology.%西方管理学一直以来以科学的身份示人,但因为其具有鲜明的阶级性,西方管理学实际上并不是一门纯科学.就此,从泰勒、法约尔、福莱特等学者的学术思想以及在学术史上的地位谈起,分析资本主义经济基础以及意识形态如何影响了管理学的发展.结果显示,泰勒、法约尔以及梅奥之所以在学术史上具有崇高的地位,除了其理论本身的合理性外,合乎、顺应资本主义经济基础也是一个重要的原因.而福莱特以及谢尔登虽然思想深刻、全面,但因为没有符合、顺应资本主义经济基础和意识形态,所以其在后世的管理学发展中很大程度上被忽略和边缘化了.这些学者的遭遇说明,西方管理学某种意义上来说是一种建立在资本主义私有制基础上的意识形态,绝非其自身所宣称的一门科学那么简单.



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