首页> 中文期刊> 《管理学报》 >品牌危机网络外溢机理的实验研究




为了探究不同品牌危机如何影响网络外溢效应,检验了品牌实力(强势与弱势)和危机类型(诚信型与能力型)对竞争品牌网络外溢效应的影响及作用机制.研究表明,当品牌发生能力型危机时,相较于弱势品牌,强势品牌更易出现传染型网络外溢效应;当品牌发生诚信型危机时,相较于强势品牌,弱势品牌更易出现对比型网络外溢效应.面对强势品牌,消费者更易产生保护性动机.当品牌发生能力型危机时,保护性动机导致传染型网络外溢.面对弱势品牌,消费者更易产生准确性动机;当品牌发生诚信型危机时,准确性动机导致对比型网络外溢.%This study explores how the crisis of different agricultural brands impacts on the network spillover effects, and examines the influence of the brand types (strong and weak) and the brand crisis types (incompetence and immorality) on network spillover effects and their mechanisms. The results indicate that, when incompetence negative events occur, compared to the weak brand, the strong brand is more likely to have infectious network spillover effects. When the brand is in immorality crisis, compared to the strong brand, the weak brand is more likely to have comparative network spillover effects. Facing a strong brand of agricultural products, consumers have more protective motives. The protective motivation leads to infectious network spillover effects when incompetence negative events occur. When facing weak brands, consumers show up more accuracy motivations. Accuracy motivations lead to comparative network spillover effects when immorality negative events occur.



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