首页> 中文期刊> 《中国社会医学杂志》 >内蒙古凉城县农民参合意愿及其影响因素分析




Objectives Study the rural residents' willing and the influencing factors of participating in the new rural cooperative medical system in the west of Inner Mongolia. Methods The main method is questionnaire, part town ship and village peasants of Liang Cheng country of wulanchabu city in Inner Mongolia were investigated. Results The New Rural Cooperative Medical System is operating in good condition in the sample areas overall . There was a high level of perceiving (94. 30%) and satisfaction (79. 38%) to the New Rural Cooperative Medical System among the rural residents. The majority of them expressed their willingness to continue to join in the New Rural Coopera tive Medical System(92. 10%). They expected the reimbursement can raise, deductible to lower. The study ex plored that the rural residents' awareness of the New Rural Cooperative Medical System' policies, the health status, and economic level would impact on the participating willing, but satisfaction, and reimbursement proportion would not. Conclusions In-depth study on the negative factors of the New Rural Cooperative Medical System should be carried out. We also need make efforts to develop basic-level medical institutions and adjustment compensation structure appropriately.%目的 研究内蒙古西部地区农民参与新型农村合作医疗的意愿及其影响因素.方法 主要使用问卷调查法对内蒙古乌兰察布市凉城县部分乡镇、村的农民进行调查.结果 样本地区新型农村合作医疗制度总体运行状况良好,农民对新农合的认知程度很高(94.30%),满意度也较高(79.38%),大多数农民表示愿意继续参合(92.10%),他们期望报销比例能提高、起付线能降低.农民对新农合相关政策的知晓程度、自身的健康状况、家庭经济水平为参合意愿的影响因素;而满意度、报销等对参合意愿的影响不大.结论 需继续深入探究现阶段不利于新农合持续发展的因素,在发展基层医疗机构、适当调整报销补偿结构等方面作努力.



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