首页> 中文期刊> 《社会》 >街头・行为・艺术性别权利倡导和抗争行动形式库的创新




In media ,the year of 2012 has been named as the“the First Year of Chinese Feminist Activism” .Through closely examining the widely influential gender-related media events such as “occupying men’ s washroom” ,“the blooded brides” ,“anti-sexual harassment in Shanghai Metro” ,and“bareheaded sisters protesting against gender discrimination in college admission” , this paper documents and analyzes the rise and development of the “street behavioral art” as a new contentious action repertoire in current Chinese society .Contrast to the flourishing literature on contentious politics in recent years ,there is a visible gap in the study of social movement repertoires in China .In order to fill in the gap ,the current research used in-depth interviews and document analysis to collect data from the individuals and organizations that had been participating in today’s Chinese feminist activities .There were three major research questions:(1) How had the street behavioral art evolved into a novel contentious repertoire through the interactions between social movements and the state?(2) How did the three key components of this repertoire each contribute to the success of contentious actions respectively ?(3) How should we evaluate the impact of the street behavioral art as a contentious repertoire ?In order to answer these questions , the article first reviews the current theoretical perspectives and related studies in this field ,and then gives a brief presentation of the background of the political contention in contemporary China for the emergence of the street behavioral art .Using the empirical data from street activism for gender equality , the paper then focuses on analyzing the three key components of this contentious repertoire- street , behavior ,and art-by looking at how they each had contributed to the success of this contentious action repertoire ,respectively .The rise of the street behavioral art has to be placed in the context where the globalization of social movements (particularly ,the flow of social movement discourses and tactics) interact with the reality of contemporary Chinese society (opportunities and constraints) for an examination . As social movements have to face many institutional constraints ,activists have to be quite creative in order to make their voices heard and their concerns understood by both the authorities and the public .The street behavioral art proves to be an effective strategy to reach that goal .Its success can be attributed to the combination of public location , artistic expression and organized actions .“Art” serves the objective of going onto the street;“street” is to expand the influences and effects of the “behavior/action” . In the conclusion , the author discusses the impacts of the street behavioral art for pushing social movement ’ s agenda in terms of policy advocacy ,participation mobilization and cultural change .%2012年被媒体称为中国“女权行动元年”。通过考察这一年发生的“占领男厕所”、“受伤的新娘”、“上海地铁反性骚扰”和“光头姐抗议教育部”等产生广泛社会影响的性别事件,文章分析了街头行为艺术作为一种新的抗争行动手法在当代中国社会的形成和发展。相比近年来抗争政治研究整体蓬勃发展的局面,国内学界对抗争行动形式库的研究较为缺乏。本文首先对这一领域的理论视角和相关研究进行了梳理和评述,然后简要呈现街头行为艺术在中国抗争政治景观中的兴起。文章的主体部分围绕这一抗争行动手法的三个关键词---街头、行为和艺术,结合近年倡导性别平权街头行动的实证资料,详细阐述了它们各自对于抗争行动的意义及其对实施效果的影响。最后,文章提出从政策改变、参与动员和文化变迁三个层面,评估运用街头行为艺术进行诉求表达和政策倡导的成效。



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