首页> 中文期刊> 《中国妇幼健康研究》 >7~12岁儿童社会观点采择能力发展研究




To investigate the development and classification of social perspective-taking skill of children of 7-12 years old so as to provide scientific basis for studying children' s social and cognition development. Methods 120 children fiom two primary schools of Futian district were selected by random sampling, and four standardized social perspective-taking stories were used to measure children' s skill. Results The scores of social perspective-taking skill and its subtypes of children between 7 and 12 increased with age. The scores of children between 7 and 8, between 9 and 10 and between 11 and 12 were 3.45 ± 0.71,4.22 ± 0.974 and 5.93 ± 1. 071 respectively, and the full scores counted up 43.1%, 52.8% and 74.1% respectively. There was no gender difference in their social perspective-taking skill. Conclusion Children' s social perspective-taking skill improves with age. Decentration is found to be more and more obvious among children of 9-10 years old, and their ability- to deduce grows gradually. The critical period of cultivating children's social cognition ability is when they are 7 to 12 years old.%目的 了解7~12岁儿童社会观点采择能力发展水平及分类情况,为研究儿童社会认知发展提供科学依据.方法 采用随机抽样的方法抽取福田区两所小学共120名儿童.儿童社会观点采择能力的测试采用经过标准化处理的4个观点采择任务故事.结果 7~12岁儿童社会观点采择能力及其子类型的发展随着年龄的增长得分增加,其中7~8岁儿童社会观点采择能力完成得分为3.45±0.714分,满分占43.1%,9~10岁为4.22±0.974分,满分占52.8%,11~12岁为5.93±1.071分,满分占74.1%;7~12岁儿童社会观点采择能力不存在性别差异.结论 儿童社会观点采择能力随着年龄的增长而提高,9~10岁以后儿童"去自我中心"逐渐明显,对他人观点的推断能力逐渐提高.7~12岁是儿童社会认知培养的关键时期.



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