首页> 中文期刊> 《职教通讯》 >适性学习的另类发展:台湾中等学校技艺竞赛的启发




The ideal of suitable learning is obvious but relied on right educational policies and school practice.This paper was to overview the present situation of the skill competition of secondary school in Taiwan.This paper also examined the reality and theoretical based phenomenon of competition status in order to provide further reference.The conclusion was derived as follows:(1) from educational belief,firmly sure of educational based and goals were reached;(2) from educational policy,it should back to educational mainstream and normalization as well,(3) from curriculum planning,it should focus on the implement curriculum integration from theory to practice,(4) from instructional strategy,it should concentrate on the developement of morality and profession skills for competitors,(5) from learning counseling,it recognized the viewpoint of study boundless for all students,(6) from learning cognitive,it should cultivate holistic skills for youth students,(7) from contest system,it should keep equality and consistency of the competition,(8) from contest evaluation,it should consider to utilize multiple evaluation methods.%适性学习的理想昭然若揭但教育实践端赖教育政策领导与学校多方配合。本文系主要针对台湾所举办之中等学校技艺竞赛之概况简略说明,作为莘莘学子学涯与职涯进路选择之一。本文同时透过现行办理制度的实然面与应然面间隙剖析厘出真相,期待提供未来办理参考依据。本文结语包含:(1)教育信念上,坚定教育本位的理念与目标;(2)教育政策上,回归主流常态教育;(3)课程规划上,课程统整强调学理合一;(4)教学策略上,德业相励与专业折服;(5)学习辅导上,训勉"学无止境";(6)学习认知上,着重内外兼修;(7)比赛制度上,维持公正严谨;(8)比赛评量上,善用多元评量发展。



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