首页> 中文期刊> 《计算机技术与发展》 >基于持续集成的PC-Lint静态检查




PC-Lint is a static checking tool which has long history and wide application. In order to guarantee the quality of the code of C/C++,many software development organizations choose the inspection of PC-Lint as the first process during the code review. Plenty of inspectional options are provided by PC-Lint tool,and the inspectional options need to be deployed reasonablely,thus reducing the misin-formation,increasing the efficiency of debugging and misarrangement. Through four common types of application examples,it describes method of configuration of lnt files in all kinds of application and development of environment in detail,and discusses the approach to static checking of PC-Lint based on continuous integration. Using ClearCase as the software configuration management tool,the static checking tool PC-Lint is integrated into the continuous integration tool ICP-CI,which contributes to find more source code defects by doing static checking for the C/C++ modules. At last,application case for PC-Lint static checking is introduced. Practice of long time shows that the PC-Lint static checking has conducted to discover all kinds of defects of the code in C/C++ timely,to improve software quality and reduce the cost of software development.%PC-Lint是一款历史悠久、使用广泛的静态代码检查工具。为了保证C/C++软件产品的质量,许多软件开发组织都把PC-Lint检查作为代码走查的第一道工序。 PC-Lint工具提供了大量的检查选项,需要合理地配置检查选项,从而减少误报,提高查错、排错的效率。通过四个常用类型的应用实例,详细叙述了PC-Lint工具在各种应用和开发环境中lnt文件配置方法。详细叙述了基于持续集成PC-Lint的静态检查方法,以ClearCase作为软件配置管理工具,将PC-Lint静态检查工具集成到持续集成工具ICP-CI上,对C/C++软件模块进行静态检查,有助于发现更多的源代码缺陷。最后介绍了PC-Lint静态检查的应用案例。长期的工作实践表明,进行PC-Lint静态检查有助于及时发现C/C++软件代码的各种缺陷,从而提高软件代码的质量和降低软件开发的成本。



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