首页> 中文期刊> 《钻井液与完井液》 >KS204井盐膏层长封固段尾管固井技术




KS204井是塔里木盆地库车坳陷克拉苏冲断带上的1口评价井.四开中途完钻井深为6421m,盐层、石膏发育,且伴有高压盐间水层.1929.57m的长裸眼尾管封固,上下温差大,高密度水泥浆中活性材料含量少,浆体稳定性差,水泥石强度低,且发展不均匀,浆体体系及性能调节困难,浆体混配难度大.依据紧密堆积理论原理,依据材料细度不同,合理级配浆体中的固相颗粒,向高密度水泥浆中加入一定比例的超细水泥、微硅、硅粉、超高密度加重剂GM等材料,应用高温、抗盐水泥浆体系,提高水泥浆稳定性,改善水泥浆性能,有利于水泥石的早期强度形成及耐高温抗衰减能力;使用双配双注固井设备、批混罐二次混浆固井工艺,及高温抗盐加重隔离液和高强度、厚壁非标套管等技术措施,较好地解决了高温、高压条件下的盐膏层固井技术难题.%The well KS204 is an evaluation well located in Tarim Basin, and the depth of the fourth interval is 6,421 m with salt and gypsum formations and high pressure salt water. The open-hole length is 1,929.57 m that needs to cement with liner, however, the temperature difference is high, the content of active material is low in high density cement slurry, the strength of cement stone is poor, and the cement slurry is hard to hybrid uniform. Based on Close Packing theory, some proportional ultra-fine cement, micro-silica, and ultra-high density weighting material GM are added into the high-temperature and anti-salt cement slurry system to improve stability and cement stone early strength. Also some special cementing apparatus and cementing technology are applied to solve the problem of cementing in gypsum formations with liner in conditions of high temperature and high pressure.



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