首页> 中文期刊> 《教育研究》 >当代企业大学兴起的解读与启示




It is a historical and inevitable "marriage" for both modern enterprises which have surpassed single economic entities and modern universities which have surpassed ivory tower to learn and combine each other under the guidance of innovative entrepreneur spirit. Corporate university is a new learning system and strategic platform established by enterprise during its self-growth and development, whose ultimate purpose is to serve organization's strategies. Corporate university has the characteristics of enterprise, strategy, symbol, learning and culture. The main motivations of corporate university lie in the dissatisfaction with traditional education and training offered by universities and colleges, the practical requirement of the survival and development of the enterprise, the requirement of building learning organization, the promotion of lifelong learning, the challenge of globalization and informatization. Corporate university is not only the source of enterprise wisdom, the cradle of human resources, but also a new power in international educational system in higher education system. Corporate university will play more and more important role in promoting higher education, lifelong education and the development and innovation of whole educational system.%超越单一经济实体的现代企业与走出“象牙塔”的现代大学在以创新为宗旨的企业家精神引领下双向超越、走向“联姻”是历史必然。企业大学是企业在追求自我发展过程中所创造的一种新的学习体制和战略平台,以服务于企业的战略为根本。企业大学具有企业性、战略性、象征性、学习性、文化性等特征。企业大学发展的动因是对传统大学教育及培训现状的不满、企业生存和发展的现实需求、创建学习型组织的需要、终身学习的推动、信息化和全球的挑战。企业大学不仅日益成为企业智慧的源泉、中高层人才的摇篮,在推动和引领企业可持续发展中发挥着重要的作用,而且正在成为高等教育体系中一种重要的新生力量,在推动高等教育、终身教育乃至整个教育系统创新发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色。



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