首页> 中文期刊> 《中国电力》 >风火电组合外送系统中风电改善火电机组SSR的研究




大型煤炭基地电力与风电基地电力的组合外送在中国具有现实需求.外送通道中一般需加装串联补偿装置,以提升风火电组合外送能力,但可能导致送端火电机组发生次同步谐振(sub-synchronous resonance,SSR).为此,基于加入风电系统的IEEE SSR第一标准测试模型,采用时域仿真及Prony阻尼比辨识法,定量分析风电场接人对其近端火电机组SSR特性的影响;并根据相位补偿原理设计风电机组附加阻尼控制器,通过动态调节风电机组的无功出力,在次频域内提供电气正阻尼,以消除SSR.此时,由于双馈风电机组采用有功、无功解耦控制,风电机组的有功出力基本不受影响.仿真结果表明,该方法能改善经串联补偿外送的大容量风火电组合系统动态特性,提高大规模风电跨区消纳能力.%Combined power delivery from thermal and wind power bases is the practical needs in China. Series compensators are usually installed in transmission channels to improve the capability of the delivery system, but may cause sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) on the thermal power units at the sending end. In order to solve the problem, the impact of wind power integration on the nearby thermal power units' SSR is analyzed quantitatively by time-domain simulation and Prony damping ratio identification, in which the IEEE SSR first benchmark modified model with a wind farm is used, and an additional damping controller of wind turbine is designed according to principles of phase compensation, which can provide positive damping in sub-frequency domain and eliminate SSR by adjusting its reactive power dynamically. In the meanwhile, the active power outputs of doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs) are improbably affected due to their decoupling control functions. The simulation results show that this control strategy can improve dynamic characteristics of combined power delivery system of high capacity with series compensation and increase the trans-region absorbing capacity of large scale wind power.



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