首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 >291例住院患者药品不良反应报告




目的:了解2014—2015年昆山市中医医院(以下简称“我院”)上报的药品不良反应( adverse drug reaction ,ADR)的发生特点和规律,以供临床参考。方法:对我院收集上报的291例ADR分别从患者年龄、性别、给药途径、累及器官和(或)系统及临床表现、涉及药物品种等方面进行分析。结果:291例发生ADR的患者中,男性稍多于女性;18~<45岁患者ADR发生率最高,其次为≥60岁患者。静脉滴注致ADR共269例(占92.44%),其次为口服17例(占5.84%)。291例ADR报告中,抗感染药所致ADR最多(143例,占49.14%),共涉及抗感染药24种,其次为中成药和抗肿瘤药。皮肤及其附件损害203例次,主要表现为红斑性皮疹、风团、疱疹、荨麻疹、皮疹等(占总计302例次的67.22%)。结论:临床应规范药品使用,加强ADR的宣传、监测、报告,减少ADR的发生,促进合理用药。%OBJECTIVE:To investigate the characteristics and laws of adverse drug reaction in Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Kunshan ( hereinafter referred to as “our hospital”) during 2014-2015, so as to provide reference for the clinic .METHODS:291 cases of ADR reported by our hospital were analyzed in terms of patients'age , gender , route of administration, involved organs and (or) systems and clinical manifestations, involved drug categories, etc. RESULTS:Of the 291 ADR cases, there were more males than females;the incidence of ADR aged 18~<45 took the lead, followed by ≥60 year old.269 cases of ADR were induced by intravenous infusion (92.44%), followed by 17 cases(5.84%).Of the 291 cases of ADR, ADR induced by anti-infectious drugs were the most (143 cases, 49.14%); and 24 kinds of anti-infectious drugs were involved , followed by Chinese patent medicine and antineoplastic drugs . There were 203 cases with skin and its accessories damage , mainly performed as lupus erythematosus rash, wheal, herpes, urticaria and skin rash, etc (67.22% of 302 cases).CONCLUSIONS: The clinical should regulate the use of drugs , strengthen the propaganda ,monitoring and reporting of ADR , so as to reduce the incidence of ADR and promote the rational drug use .



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