首页> 中文期刊> 《中国医院用药评价与分析》 >420例药品不良反应报告分析




OBJECTIVE:To investigate the regularity and characteristics of adverse drug reactions ( ADR) ,and to provide reference for rational drug use in clinic. METHODS: Retrospective analysis was conducted on 420 ADR reports collected in Shougang Shuigang General Hospital ( hereinafter referred to as "our hospital") from Nationwide Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Network during 2007-2013. RESULTS: Of the 420 ADR cases, female patients (223 cases, 53. 10%) showed a higher incidence than male patients(197 cases, 46. 90%);the ADR cases induced by injection preparation(443 cases,accounting for 92. 48% of the total 479 cases) and intravenous route(410 cases, accounting for 85. 59% of the total 479 cases) were the most common; the main category of drugs that induced ADR was antibacterial drugs(247 cases, accounting for 52. 00% of the total 475 cases) . Lesions of skin and its appendages were the most common clinical manifestations of ADR(258 cases, accounting for 43. 58% of the total 592 cases). CONCLUSIONS:The occurrence of ADR cases is related with a variety of factors. Report and monitoring of ADR should be strengthened and the level of rational drug use should be improved so as to reduce the occurrence of ADR and ensure the safety of drug use for patient.%目的:了解药品不良反应( adverse drug reaction,ADR)发生的特点及规律,为临床合理用药提供参考. 方法:对首钢水钢总医院(以下简称"我院")2007-2013年收集上报至全国ADR监测网络的420例ADR报告进行回顾性分析. 结果:420例ADR中,女性患者发生率(223例,占53. 10%)略高于男性患者(197例,占46. 90%);注射剂型(443例次,占合计479例次的92. 48%)及静脉滴注给药(410例次,占合计479例次的85. 59%)最容易引发ADR;抗感染药引发的ADR病例数最多(247例次,占合计475例次的52. 00%);ADR累及器官和(或)系统以皮肤及其附件损害最为常见( 258例次,占合计592例次的43. 58%). 结论:ADR的发生与多种因素有关,临床应加强ADR报告与监测工作,提高合理用药水平,以减少ADR的发生,保障患者用药安全.



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