首页> 中文期刊> 《中国科技论坛》 >公共财政支持的科研项目如何保障公众利益——来自美国加州干细胞研究项目的启示




美国加利福尼亚州于2004年通过第71号法案,允许州政府在未来10年内以发行公债的方式为干细胞研究筹集30亿美元经费,用于资助干细胞研究.为了确保实现对加州纳税人的承诺,第71号法案中提出了保障公众利益的三项核心原则以及详细、具体的惠及加州研究人员和公众的知识产权政策.本文以此案例为基础,介绍并分析了加州干细胞研究项目中保障公众利益的政策措施,总结了该项目在知识产权政策方面的相关问题和经验,进而提出了在中国制度背景下如何促进公共财政支持的科研项目更好地保障公众利益的几点启示和政策建议.%Proposition 71 was approved by California voters who were promised that a $ 3 billion bond issue would yield breakthrough medical therapies and cures while paying back the state's investment in stem cell research. Keeping Proposition 71's promises, three principles and other intellectual property policies are essential to ensure Proposition 71 benefits all Californians, both the tax payers and researchers. Based on this case, this paper introduced and studied policies which aimed to guarantee public interest in stem cell research project of California. Some experience of intellectual property was concluded, and a few policy recommendations were put forward to discuss how to ensure public interest better in the institutional background of China.



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