首页> 中文期刊> 《全球科技经济瞭望》 >英国皇家学会院士制度概述及其启示




英国皇家学会是最早实施院士终身制(即院士制度)的学会之一。皇家学会的宗旨和职能、机构设置、院士增选制度等不仅对英国皇家工程院和不列颠学院等其他英国国家级学会产生重要影响,也被其他国家建立院士制度广泛借鉴。通过对英国皇家学会的法律地位和定位、职责、内部治理结构以及皇家学会院士及其选举过程进行详细介绍,分析了皇家学会院士制度的优势和存在问题,并参考英国经验,从组织机构、院士待遇、院士增选过程、院士影响力发挥等4个方面对我国院士制度改革提出了具体建议。%Academician system with lifetime tenure of the UK Royal Society is one of the oldest fellowship system in the word. The mission, statutes and organizational structure of the Royal Society and its fellowship system had made big inlfuence on both the Royal Engineering Academy and British Academy and other national academies in the world. The paper introduced the legal status, mission, responsibility and governance structure of the Royal Society, detailed the procedure of nomination and selection of its fellowship, and analyzed the advantage and shortcoming of the fellowship system of the Royal Society. Based on the experience of the Royal Society in UK, the paper gives some suggestions on the reform of fellowship system of National Academies, such as Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering from four aspects including organizational structure, beneift of Fellowship, selection procedure and widening the inlfuence of fellowships of national academies.



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