首页> 中文期刊> 《公路工程》 >VIKOR 法在娄衡高速公路施工安全管理水平评估中的研究及应用

VIKOR 法在娄衡高速公路施工安全管理水平评估中的研究及应用



Measuring the safety management level of the highway construction enterprises scientifically is always focused and highlighted by highway management departments managers of highway construction enterprises.In combination with the characteristics of relative research achievements and Lou Heng highway construction,an evaluation index system of the safety management level of highway construction enterprises was constructed from four aspects including management of operation worker,equipment,environment and organization,an evaluation model of the safety management level based on VIKOR method was established,and the model was applied to synthetically evaluate the Safety management level of highway construction enterprises.The results showed that the model can present the ranking of the safety management level of highway construction enterprises.%科学地衡量高速公路施工企业安全管理水平,已成为高速公路管理部门及企业管理者高度重视与关注的热点.在借鉴相关研究成果的基础上,结合娄衡高速公路施工的特点,从人员、机械、环境、管理四个方面建立了施工企业安全管理水平的评估指标体系,引入了VIKOR法的施工企业安全管理水平评估模型,并运用该模型对娄衡高速公路多个合同段的安全管理水平进行了综合评价.结果表明,该模型可得出施工企业安全管理水平高低的排名,评价结果与企业实际情况相符.



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