首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >生育中后期高温胁迫对小麦籽粒灌浆与产量的影响




[Objective] The aim was to discuss the way of improving wheat evidence, and confirm to the effects of climate changes on wheat yield in field. [Method] A strong gluten wheat Xinmai 19 was used to analyze the effects of heat stress on grain filling and yield by raising temperature in the shed through the semi-late period. [Result] The results indicated that thousand-kernel weight (TKW) decreased and grain filling shortened with the delayed of high temperature treating time from flowering stage to middle filling stage. The heat stress before flowering reduced yield obviously, while suitable heat in the semi-early progress of grain filling was better to high yield. [Conclusion] The study provides a theoretical basis for delaying wheat plant senescence and improving its yield under high temperature stress at the later growth stage.%[目的]探索提高小麦(Triticum aestivum Linn.)稳产性的途径,明确大田条件下气候变化对小麦的影响.[方法]以强筋小麦品种新麦19为试验材料,用小麦生育中后期高温棚增温的方法,研究小麦生育中后期高温对籽粒灌浆与产量的影响.[结果]自开花前至灌浆中期,随着高温处理时期的推迟,小麦籽粒灌浆时间缩短,千粒重显著降低.开花前高温明显导致产量降低,灌浆前中期一定程度的高温有利于产量提高.[结论]该研究可为后期高温逆境条件下延缓小麦植株衰老和提高产量提供理论依据.



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