首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >东辽河分水期污染物通量估算研究




Five kinds of popular calculation formulas of pollutant fluxes were applied, to estimate pollutant fluxes based on hydrological periods, taking Sishuang bridge section of Dongliao River as an example. The results show that the CODcr fluxes and the NH3-N fluxes from Sishuang bridge section of Dongliao River was about 3 323.7 and 278. 3 t in 2007. For Dongliao River, the third method that dominated by point source pollution is appropriate to estimate of low-water period, and the estimation of high-water period is suitable for using the fifth method that stress total runoff of period and dominated by non-point source pollution. Besides, the choice of normal-water period' s method will be integrated with the correlation of the quantity and quality of water as well as the relative intensity of rainfall with high-water period and low-water period. Comparing with the five kinds of popular calculation formulas, choosing an appropriate method for the three hydrological periods separately as an estimation of year-long period pollutant fluxes of Dongliao River is more accurate and scientific.%利用5种常用的河流污染物通量估算方法,以东辽河四双大桥断面为例,进行分时期污染物通量估算,结果表明:2007年东辽河四双大桥断面CODcr和NH3-N的通量分别为3 323.7 t和278.3 t,东辽河枯水期污染物通量估算采用以点源占优的方法3最合适,而丰水期采用强调时段总径流量及以面源占优的方法5最合适,平水期则要结合水质水量相关关系及其与丰水期、枯水期的相对降雨强度选择合适的估算方法;以3个水期内所选取的合适方法作为东辽河年时段通量估算方法,并将其与5种常用方法的估算结果进行比较,前者的准确性和科学性更高.



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