首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 >合之以文齐之以武--圆形团队是一支能打胜仗的团队




Sun Tzu, the ancient master of military crafts, devoted himself to creating an invicible army, so he attached great importance to team construction, because a victorious team is one of the most important factors for winning a war. Sun Tzu’s Art of War, his masterpiece, elaborates on team building and army administration. Although scattered like fragments in the thirteen chapters, the ideas are logical and the theory is systematic. In the Chapter “Jiu Di Pian”, Sun Tzu proposes the goal of team building as “The Righteous Way of Politics is the Unity of Uniformity and Bravery”. From various aspects, Sun Tzu argues the decisive role of creating a circular team in winning a battle, and puts forward the practical method for building a circular team: “Unity by Education;Uniformity by Discipline”, i.e. the unity of a team lies in education of Politics, Morality and Love while the coercive Discipline, military rules and laws, will bring the team under uniformity. The combination of Education and Discipline will produce a victorious team.%孙子悉心要打造一支王霸之兵,故对团队建设高度重视,因为一支能打胜仗的团队是决定战争胜负最重要的条件之一。《孙子兵法》对团队建设和军队治理的阐述,虽零散碎片似的分散在十三篇中,但其逻辑是严谨的、理论是系统的。孙子在《九地篇》中提出了团队建设努力实现的目标:“齐勇若一,政之道也”。孙子又从多方面阐述打造一支圆形的团队对取得战斗胜利所发挥的积极的决定性的作用,并提出了打造圆形团队的实施办法:“合之以文,齐之以武,是谓必取。”即使团队齐心要采用政治、道义、仁爱等引导教育“文”的方法,使团队步调一致要运用军纪、法规等强制硬性“武”的手段,文武并用、软硬兼施、恩威齐下,这样的团队才是能打胜仗的团队。



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