首页> 中文期刊>安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版) >福建省民生指数动态数学模型研究




采用由系统聚类分析、非参数检验和相关性分析所组成的动态降维方法,对初建立的民生指标体系进行动态的指标选择,然后再利用网络分析法对选择出的指标进行权重的确定,从而建立民生指数测算模型,最后利用福建省2000-2011这十二年的相关数据对该模型进行实证分析。研究结果表明,利用该方法对民生指标进行指标选择以及建立民生指数监测模型是可行的,有助于为民生工程的建设提供科学的理论依据。%In this paper, a dynamic method to reduce the dimension combined by systematical clustering analysis、nonparamet-ric statistical test and correlation analysis is adopted .The author makes a dynamic index selection from the earliest established sys-tem of index of people′s livelihood and decides the weighting of the selected index by taking the advantage of the Analytic Network Process, basing on which Model of the Index of People′s Livelihood Measurements is established.Lastly, the author makes an em-pirical analysis of the model with relevant data from 2000 to 2011 in Fujian Province.The research results show that the method is feasible in the way of index selection of people′s livelihood and establishment of Monitoring Model, which contributes to providing a scientifical theoritical basis for the construction of the people′s livelihood project.



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