首页> 中文期刊> 《北京行政学院学报》 >“离灾优于防灾”:国际灾害治理政策创新及对中国启示




The idea that conforming to disaster is superior to preventing disaster, which is better than mitigating disaster, comes after there endlessly emerges ignorance in the process of disaster control. Based on a basic idea that we should co-exist, grow and glorify with disaster, the concept that we should conform to disaster advocates to using the latest scientific technology and non-constructional measures to build a good social interaction on the basis of people’s refection on their experience of disaster control. Such policy includes construction of cities and towns, standards for the quality of construction, goods supply and grade system, attestation of workers, application of non-structural theory, building awareness and so on to conform to disaster. It maintains to transfer money from preventing disasters into conforming to disasters with emphasis on dealing with mountains, roads, bridges and rivers. It also advocates the concept of ecological conservation and restoration and makes the policy of conforming to disaster without leaving village and hometown and building sustainable community to minimize the damage from disasters. Although the policy of conforming to disaster has some limits, such as, high cost, uncertainty in its effect in practice, difficulties in reaping benefits in short period and selecting in various policies, there is no doubt that it is of great significance for China's disaster control.%在灾害治理过程中“无(未)知”现象层出不穷,“离灾优于防灾、防灾优于救灾”这一反思性理念应运而生。离灾以“与灾害共存”、“和自然共生”及“共生共荣”为基本理念,提倡人类在灾害经验反思基础上运用最新科学技术和非结构措施建构社会系统良性运转策略。离灾政策主要包括离灾城镇建设、离灾建筑品质、离灾用品及机制评分制度、离灾人员认证制度、离灾意识培养和非结构式措施运用等,主张将不合理、不必要的防灾费用用于离灾建设,同时以“山、路、桥、河”为共治对象,并落实灾后重建生态保育复育理念、制定“离灾不离村、离村不离乡”和永续社区发展等策略以最大限度减少灾害带来的冲击。离灾政策尽管存在着短时期内效益难以显现、成本高、实际运行效果不确定和不同政策目标难以取舍等局限,但无庸置疑,它对于我国灾害治理具有极为重要的启示意义。



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