


刘勰《文心雕龙*知音》篇可以说是建了中国文学鉴赏论之首功,全文结构缜密,阐述有条有理,立论精确。但是并非就是一块毫无瑕疵的完璧。在其行文方面所引证材料的运用并不是十分妥当的,作者对于这些资料并没有作详细的考究。存在的问题一是所引材料去证明的观点与原材料所说明的问题恰好相反。二是引证的材料与原文的史实不符。三是对材料的理解望文生义。这些都是其《知音篇》存在的白璧微瑕,研读者不能不予以注意。%It is said that “Wenxin Diao Long*Confidant ”written by Mr Liu Xie has made an outstanding contributiion to literature appreciation history in china,which was carefully written and well-organized. But it is not flawless and not quiet well done in using quotations .The auther himself didn't make much research of those materials.There are some problems as follows rn  (1) The materials used to prove the view are just contary to the orginal materials used to explain the probems.rn  (2) The quotaions didn't tally with the history in the original book.rn  (3) The laterpretation of the material is liteally.rn  Those are all the flaws of the article which the readers should pay more attention to.



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